Governing Body:

We have an active and committed Governing Body which meets at least termly.  The role of the Governors is to provide strategic  steering and guidance and to challenge and ensure the school and the Head Teacher are held to account.  Governors often take a supportive role but are not involved in the general day to day running of the school.  

Each member of our Governing Body has a specific role or responsibility which means they take an extra focus on specific areas such as Safeguarding, Early Years Pupil Premium, Special Educational Needs or Premises, etc.  Governors visit school regularly and attend parents events so that they can talk to families and take feedback.


Our Current Governing Body:



Mrs Sally Bateman

Vice Chair:

 Mrs Nicola Smith

Head Teacher:

Mrs Ann Taylor

Staff Governor:


Parent Governor:

Mrs Olivia Lezama

Co-opted Governors:





Safeguarding Governor:


 SEND Governor:

Mrs Natasha Easy

Mrs Jo Jones

Mrs Anita Nicholls



 Mrs Nicola Smith


 Mrs Jo Jones

Clerk to the Governors:


Mrs Sarah Vernon


Pecuniary Interests 

Mrs Sally Bateman &  Mrs Nicola Smith are members of Edith Cadbury Nursery Charity Trust - please see the attached  for more details

 Edith Cadbury Nursery School register of Business interests 2023-24.docx

ECNS gov meeting attendance.pdf