
Nursery Education is non-statutory which means that there are no penalties or charges for non-attendance.  However,  we do encourage and hope that all of our children will attend Nursery on their allocated days and hours.  


Once you have registered with us, we have a duty of care to your child and a safeguarding responsibility to make sure that they are safe and well.  This means that if your child is unable to attend on any day you MUST let us know. If we have not heard from you by 9.30 am on the day of the absence you will receive a telephone call, text message or both from ourselves asking you to inform us why your child is absent.  If we do not hear from you for more than 2 days we will carry out a home visit to find out where your child is.  If we still do not manage to speak/see you, we will contact the police and Children's Services.


What if my child is ill?

We understand that  children are sometimes unwell, all we ask is that you phone us by 9.30 am and inform us of your child's illness.


What if my child or I have an appointment?

You can either let us know in advance by telling the Office and your child's Key Worker or please call by 9.30 am and inform us.

Attendance is important for your child.

Establishing good habits at this early age provides a good start for children as they move onto primary school.

Useful links


Regular and persistent non-attendance may result in your place being withdrawn and offered to somebody else.